Monday, July 12, 2010

LOOK!!! We Are Missing A Blessing!

Psalm 118:24 "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."

Today the girls had closed my curtains on our sliding glass door so the house was dark and gloomy. I HAD to open those curtains. As soon as I opened them---guess what was happening outside? A NICE MUCH NEEDED rain shower.

Ladies, sometimes we keep our 'curtains' closed and decide we're going to live in our own little world. During that time, we miss out on some much needed blessings. I can say that because I KNOW! I have days (well, sometimes weeks) where I just want to stay in my house, not do anything, not talk to anyone, no motivation, no desires---and it's during that doom and gloom time I miss out on some much needed blessings. Not only blessings FOR me, but the blessing I may need to be TO someone else.

Sometimes we just need to step out of our shoes and wear someone else's whose less fortunate than we are or someone who is facing far more difficult circumstances than we are---and there is someone whose ALWAYS hurting MORE than we are.

Today as I was on FB, my attention was brought to a little girl named Addison. I have NO CLUE who this little girl is but she is in the hospital. When I saw her picture, my face flooded with tears. WHY? Because I have a little girl, not as little as little Addison, but our little girl struggles with Crohn's disease. I can sort of relate to what her parents must be going through but not really. See, our little girl is home, practicing for her piano lessons tonight, doing scientific experiments, helping her mommy with the house...she's not in the hospital. I'm not there next to her bedside wondering if she'll make it or what the next day may hold. Why did I share that? Because we are just TOO blessed to be depressed.

No matter how hard you think you have it, or how alone you may feel...there is someone who is ALWAYS facing far more difficult circumstances than you are. That isn't to say what you're going through isn't hard, isn't tearing your heart apart, isn't bringing tears to your eyes...but sometimes we just need to open the 'curtains' and look at the many blessings we have passing by and how many people are missing a blessing from us because we have our 'curtains' closed.

So no matter what you may be the 'curtains' and see what awaits you outside. It just may be a much needed shower of blessing or there may be someone waiting for YOU to shower them with a blessing.

Psalm 68:19 "Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you write this for me? Or the same day we were talking? There is always someone else out there with far more problems than we have and we should open our eyes and see our blessings. Don't let the devil keep us from seeing them. I too get caught up in my dark house with the curtains closed, but I WANT to be a blessing to others and I need to learn to open the curtains and let the sun (Son) shine in. Thanks for this message.