Thursday, July 15, 2010

Daddy Will Fix It!

Today as I was in the kitchen preparing lunch, our littliest girl came in to show me her bottle for her doll was broken. Somehow the inside had slipped out and so it didn't have that 'juice' look to it anymore. I was thinking, "Well, just throw that part in the trash." That wasn't her thinking...she quickly responded with CONFIDENCE "Daddy will fix it!!!"

Yes, our girls think A LOT of their daddy and they have EVERY reason too. He is a wonderful husband and father to our children. Ladies, we have a Heavenly Father who we can go to with CONFIDENCE knowing HE will take care of whatever may be broken in our life...our marriage, our home, our wayward children, our unsaved loved ones, our financial burdens, our health issues, our emotional problems, our job situation....we can go BOLDLY to HIM knowing He is in control and He will take care of any and all situations! Hebrews 4:16 says "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need."

Ladies, do you feel like you need to bring something that is 'broken' to the Lord today? Then do so...and go with CONFIDENCE knowing HE will take care of any and all situations and problems. I'm so glad I serve a GOD who cares. A God who hears and answers my prayers no matter how small or big they may be in my eyes....HE CARES! Just like that baby bottle this is broken...she is so CONFIDENT her daddy can fix it and OUR GOD can fix anything and everything too! Whatever you may be burdened with or whatever may be broken...give it to our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ!

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