Thursday, January 29, 2009

This Too Shall Pass

Snotty noses! Get a kleenex! Grab the trashcan! Please quiet down...momma doesn't feel well! Please cover your mouth! Time for medicine/breathing treatments! Slow down on the cough drops we're almost out! Lysol - toilets, door knobs, trashcans, faucets, frig handle, cabinet handles - lysol, lysol and MORE lysol -- and PLEASE COVER YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU COUGH! (can't say that enough)

That pretty well sums up my week thus far! Aren't you glad EVERYTHING - even those not so pleaseant times - has a season, a time, and a place...this TOO shall pass!!! and HOPEFULLY all the above will pass REAL SOON!

Ecc. 3:1 "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."

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