Friday, January 30, 2009


If there's one thing I don't enjoy doing at all it would be watching the news BUT my hubby likes to keep up on things---especially the military aspect of the happenings. Sometimes he'll say, "Will you just sit down and watch the news with me?" So I normally do...only to get up a little frustrated, agitated, and a little down in the dumps.

The other day I was reading Psalm 97. I encourage you to read Psalm 97! What a great reminder when our nation and new President seems to take the opposite view God does on issues. We are headed for trouble BUT as Psalm 97:1a says, "The Lord reigneth" - NOT "the Lord will reign" BUT "THE LORD REIGNETH"! As we look at the news and see decisions being made against God's Word, we may not see much righteousness and justice in the world today...BUT that doesn't mean God has been dethroned. NO, HE IS STILL ON THE THRONE! Aren't you glad that one day God will come in power and glory and set things right. So when you get discouraged -- LOOK UP and remember "THE LORD REIGNETH"

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