Monday, January 12, 2009

Please Pray For The Bigger Family

This picture above is the Bigger family. I do not know them personally but my husbands sister knows of them. They - the wife, and 2 children - died tragically after their van went into a pond. The husband, Brent, was able to get out and tried to flag down other motorist to assist in rescuing his wife and children. Please pray for them. Of course, with todays society, they (the police) ended up taking him and questioning him for hours so he was unable to be with his wife/children as they were trying to be worked on. At the end of the questioning, they let him know his wife and 2 children had died. The father had been experiencing black-out times and was planning to see a doctor upon arriving back home from spending time with family in another state. As of right now, they are still unclear what caused the accident though. Very sad situation!

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