Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Our Vacation To Gatlinburg

Oh, I can't begin to explain how much I needed to get away from it ALL!!!!!!! We normally vacation at Christmas by going home and visiting the family which is good. But by the time you visit family on both sides...it's no vacation. I am exhausted and feel like I need to get home so I can rest. So this year, since my hubby now has a job where we get paid vacations...we splurged and went to Gatlinburg TN area. We met up with my mom and dad there who vacation there a couple times a year. They had already got a nice place to stay in Gatlinburg and we stated in Pigeon Forge at a very nice hotel.

One morning, before going to the aquarium, we went up to their place and had breakfast. Of course, mom had sliced tomatoes, sliced bananas, sliced oranges, bacon, eggs, toast, different drinks...it was DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!! My mom has to be the world's greatest cook...I keep telling her to make her a recipe book. She just throws stuff together and it taste great!

Anyways, so here are some pictures!

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