Wednesday, May 13, 2009

One Positive Thing About Being Home With 3 'Sick' Kiddos

Well, I sit here on a Wednesday night when I should be in church with three kiddos home due to the fact I had to take them to the dr today. They all have a cough and was running fever...bronchitus is the going thing in this household right now! SO...since we are going on vacation next week I said "We are going to get this thing under control." PLUS...we have another busy weekend! I told my husband the month of June I am scheduling NOTHING!!! (I don't think that will happen but I can always dream) BUT...with staying home and one napping I have been able to work on devotionals and be in God's Word! Of course, I'd rather be at church sitting next to my hubby but I am one that does NOT take our children to church if they are running fever!!! I don't want to be responsible for getting other children sick and their parents being out the next nice if ALL parents thought that way! :-) Of course, sometimes we don't know our children are sick till we get home from somewhere but knowing they have been running fever...momma stayed home tonight! So pray this will all subside I had to take our oldest daughter last Friday to the dr for bronchitus!!!!!! (I think my hubby really needs to see the dr too as he is coughing etc...but you know how hard it is to get a man to the dr so I am trying to be his nurse...don't think it's working too well though )

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