Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My New Hair-Do ---or is it DON'T For Some :-)

Well, I finally braved it and got my hair cut shorter than I ever have before! After talking to my mom last night, I have decided I have met my mid-life crisis phase of life! Yes, I'll be 35 this year...oh, I don't like the sound of that...and even worse 40 in only FIVE SHORT years! WOW! Enough on that...

I always go get my hair done with the intentions of doing something totally different, then when I get in that chair I say, "Just trim it a little, please!" I come out the same way I went in after paying all that money. SO...this time...I was determined I was coming out different and different I did. I really liked it at first...then I came home and tried to style it myself and almost cried looking in the mirror "What have I done" "I can't even style this stuff"...well, the next morning it got worse as I washed it and had to literally style it from scratch on my own. That was a rough looking day...but I got me a large rod curling iron and with a few days styling it...I have figured out what to do and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I am not sure my girls, nor my hubby, and NOW MY MOM...have accepted it but it's okay. My mom said, "I got on your blog knowing it was your blog, but I had to scroll down to make sure it was. Then I scrolled back up and had to do a double take." She couldn't believe I'd taken that picture of myself....the girls, except the baby which was sleeping, was gone with daddy so I did a photo shoot myself. She thought it was professionally that was positive comment number 1. Anyways, she said some very cute things like "You look like some sophisticated New York City lawyer with the hair and glasses." Hey, I can accept that...not a bad comment for a wife whose been married going on 15 years, and a stay at home -- homeschooling - mom.

I really think my husband likes it, he just has learned it's best for him to be a 'man with little words' when it comes to touchy issues like my hair style etc. SMART MAN!!! I've trained him well...that was all in fun there!

So anyways, this is me and who knows what this mid-life crisis will bring me....I go the middle of May, right before we leave for vacation, to get caramel highlights :-) I am getting brave girls!!!! I've had highlights before but one time I went on a Saturday...bad time to go when the hair dresser is juggling like 4 women at one time and talking all the while...and I ended up with the front of my hair completely blond and the back burnette!!! SAD STORY!!! I came home and the lady that was watching the girls said, "Melissa that doesn't even look right." I was almost in tears and I knew something was wrong when I left the shop. Fortunately my husband was working that Saturday so I called the hair dresser and said, "My husband is going to be so upset with me. THis is not what it's suppose to look like." (she had always picked my hair through the cap but this time it was with a brush....bad outcome) So she said real sweetly, "Well, wait til your husband gets home and see what he says. He may like it." (She obviously didn't know my husband) So I called her again after shedding much tears and said, "I know he's not going to like it. She then told me that her and her husband was going out to eat that evening but when they got in she'd call me to come to the shop.

Well, I got a phone call around 10:45 p.m. on a Saturday night. Right before I went out the door, my husband said, "I hope it turns green and you will go to church like that tomorrow." Oh, I was a nervous wreck. So I went it and she done me up right and I looked normal...Praise the Lord! I didn't want to go to church with green hair. I returned home at 12:45 a.m. Sunday morning. Lesson learned there....NEVER go to a beauty shop on SATURDAY....NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Amanda said...

i like it...very stylish!

Amy said...

Your hair looks very nice! I really like it. That was a very interesting highlight story too... and I will take your advice about not going to the salon on Saturdays... I can't believe your husband picked on you about getting green hair! ;)

Gruber family said...

Hello there! I haven't had the time for awhile to visit your blog, but today I had a chance. I Love your hairstyle! It DOES make you look very sophisticated!
We are still on the road full-time, but we are planning to be done by THIS August!! We are at about 60% and we are going to take another step of faith and pray the rest in by then! God is able!!
Love - Tami

Barbara said...

Your hair looks know what they begins at you are getting ready. I am so glad you are happy with it...I have had cuts before I didn't adjust to...but yours does look great. Have a great evening.

Mrs. Julie Fink said...
