Friday, November 20, 2009

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

This is our 'big' tree in our living room!

This is our bedroom tree.
I absolutely LOVE Christmas. I know, I know, I know....we haven't even celebrated Thanksgiving BUT I am looking forward to Christmas. Christmas is a time we normally go 'home' to our families and enjoy Christmas together. My mom is just fantastic...she is already taking cookie orders from everyone so she can begin baking all sorts of goodies. Like we need them...but trust me...they'll be no leftovers on the dessert table. My order --- chocolate covered cherry cookies! My absolute favorite at Christmas time. In fact, last year, my parents specially wrapped me a box of cookies just for me. :-)

So is what Christmas looks like at our house. Nothing fancy, nothing spectacular...but it's CHRISTMAS! I am so thankful to be a Christian and to be able to celebrate the REAL meaning of Christmas! What a wonderful time to share that story with others. Grab you some tracts and share the REAL Christmas story so others may be able to experience the joy we have during this time of year...and should have all throughout the year!!!!!!!!!!


Mrs. Julie Fink said...

everything looks so beautiful!

Jennifer said...

looks beautiful!! i have my house done too. i am looking for a tree for my bedroom.