Our youngest daughter has been having some interesting 'conversations' with some unseen guest--her make believe friends! She is so cute and SO serious when she's in the middle of one of those conversations...UNTIL she realizes we are watching her.
The other day we were all sitting at the table eating, and she jumps up (like she's on a mission) and stands behind her chair. Her little hands were just a moving while she's talking with 'someone'! We all sat trying to act as though we were enjoying our food, yet trying our best to keep back the chuckles of laughter . Then the moment happens....she realizes she's got our attention. She'll hide her face and her unseen guest seem to disappear and her facial expression turns to embarrassment.
When my grandfather died last fall, as the family was sorting through their belongings, my mom grabbed a plague for me that no one else seemed to want. It reads:
Christ is the head of this house, the unseen GUEST at every meal, the silent listener to every conversation!
I have that plaque hanging in our dining room. Ladies, each day we have an unseen Guest in our homes -- the Lord Jesus Christ. I wonder how many of us (including myself) would hang our head and be filled with embarrassment if the unseen Guest did show up at our home? Now, I know He is with us, but we just can't see Him. Would we act different if we could visibly see Him? Though our 3 year old frequently has visits with an unseen guest...we have an unseen Guest who is with us 24/7! That's a good thing and can be a bad thing too if we aren't doing what HE would have us to do and say.
Many times we find comfort in knowing that He is with us even though we cannot see Him. He gives us a peace in our hearts that shows us HE IS NEAR! Then on the other hand, during those times we aren't what we should be, He will allow our hearts to become heavy and burdened with the sin we've allowed to come into our lives. That's when I am so thankful for I John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
As we go along throughout each day, let's not forget the unseen Guest that's with us all along the way! And when we have those times where He convicts our hearts of our wrong doings, take the time to ask HIM to forgive us and we may even have to ask someone in our home to forgive us as well. Many times I've had to just sit the girls down and say, "You know mommy has NO excuse for how I just acted. I was wrong. Will you please forgive mommy? Will you pray for mommy that I'll handle situations as God would have me to?" I believe that does 2 things: it shows our children that parents do make mistakes and teaches them that there are times when we need to go to others to ask their forgiveness and not just to the Lord.
So don't forget the unseen Guest that is with us each day and in everything we do and say, may it be pleasing to Him---the Lord Jesus Christ!
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