Friday, April 3, 2009

I Am So Thankful I Serve A FAITHFUL God

Last night we went grocery shopping...not one of the most exciting aspects of life for me but it's a must, right? Well, last night I got excited about shopping. I found some new shampoo...that was like almost $6.00 for a SMALL bottle but after you do a mail-in rebate you get to try it for free. I think my hubby saw it first and then he said, "I don't want you doing that cause I'm afraid you'll like it too well and want to keep using it." (NO FEAR OF THAT AT $6.00 a bottle but it's worth a try for FREE) Then we were almost done shopping and I was getting ready to pick up the fresh veggies when I saw at the end of the freezer isle a section with MAJORILY discounted items. I LOADED up literally. They had meat balls (which the girls love); some mexican type rolls or something but they look good; popcorn type fish and another type fish for like $2.17. I LOADED up...they aren't due til later date so not sure why they were so reduced but I took advantage of it.

It brought to mind how GOD provides for His people...sometimes we just have to take the time to look. I was so excited the girls thought I was crazy but they obviously have no concept of the expense of feeding a family of 6.

Isn't GOD so FAITHFUL? Especially since it's spring and it seems all the little birds have come out to enjoy this beautiful spring weather, I am constantly reminded (especially when I peek at the checkbook) that GOD provides. If He takes so much thought into caring for those little birds, how much more does He care for you and I?

Have a wonderful FRIDAY---TGIF---TODAY GOD IS FIRST!!!!!!!!! Is HE FIRST in YOUR life?

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Love deals at the grocery store! It is funny what excites us :) I also love coupons. I am amazed at how I have a budget, write it all down, the stuff I needs is more than my budget but when my total comes up (after coupons) I am always under. It gives me chills how he takes care of us! GLad you had a good trip