Monday, November 19, 2012

Someone SO Small Can Change It ALL

On November 7th, we welcomed our 5th blessing from the Lord.  This pregnancy was very unique...many ups and downs and then to finally be put on bedrest the last several weeks about done me in.  I'll be honest, I had many moments when the tears would fall and I would question 'Why?" reminding myself that things could be worse but that didn't help some days.  I am one that likes to be up DOING, not someone who sits and waits for time to pass.  At the same time, I was reminded of Mary and Martha in the Bible and how my life so reflected the not so good part of that lesson in the Bible.  I was BUSY...REALLY busy that so many times I found myself neglecting the GOOD part...spending time with my Saviour.  Taking time to REALLY soak in HIS goodness to me and reflecting on HIS many blessings.  I was missing out on the GOOD part.

Now that our little blessing has arrived, I'm amazed at just how someone so small can change it all.  Yes, she is our 5th but I don't recall EVER feeling the way I do now after having the others.  That doesn't make the others more or less special but something is different this time.  Maybe it's the fact I'm older :-) or maybe it's the fact that I SO DESPERATELY was seeking God's will for what HE would have me do.  Whatever it life has changed.  She has made me think about what is REALLY important.  She's made me think about how quickly time passes and how I need to cherish EVERY moment.  She's made me realize that life is SO precious and what an amazing GOD we serve.  She's made me reevaluate what I spend my time and efforts toward...some things just aren't important anymore. 

I pray the Lord will NEVER let me forget all that HE brought to my attention during this time.  It's been a growing time for me though I was sitting still.  Sometimes we just need to "Be still and know that I am God:" Psalm 46:10a

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