Thursday, May 7, 2009

I Thought My House Was Clean

Well, if I could sum up in one word of what my life has consisted of the last several days it would be CLEANING! I am so tired of cleaning...I wish I could hire a cleaning lady but that won't happen :-) We are trying to get our house in tip top shape to put on the market. The listing realtor is actually coming later tonight. I keep telling myself, "We still have to live here so there will be messes, the dust will continue to fall, the laundry will still pile up (think I'll shove it in the washer and dryer though if I have to), the dishes will still be life MUST go on." Oh, the house looks so picture perfect right clean I told my husband (well, actually just emailed him) and said, "I have one stone left to clean in the kitchen and then the kitchen will be perfect so would you please just pick up pizzas." I was planning to have talopi fish tonight but I don't think the fish smell would impress the realtor at all :-) right?

Well, last night as I was discussing cleaning and just being exhausted and having a 'not so good' mommy day...I told my husband I just feel like a flop...nothing I say is coming out right, my motives seem to be the opposite of what they should be, YET...I have REALLY made an effort to spend PERSONAL time in prayer and Bible reading this week in the midst of trying to get everything done...and still trying to finish up homeschool. He said something to the effect that that's how it is.

Just like my house, which I really like a clean, organized home...but if you really begin to CLEAN....I mean get on your hands and knees and scrub like I did our master bathroom floor which I THOUGHT was clean but the dirty water diminished those such thoughts...then there is always more dirt and grim to be found.

I am not one that thinks I am better than others cause I know I have my shortcomings...but when I really begin to search my heart...I see that I have MANY shortcomings that I need the Lord to help me with DAILY! When was the last time each of us really got down on our knees and asked the Lord to reveal to us the hidden dirt 'sin' in our heart and life? Spring is almost past so most of us have probably already done our 'spring cleaning' but spiritually speaking...our spiritually cleaning must be done on a daily basis. I will never forget going to a prayer advance and doing a Sweet Hour of Prayer. That was the highlight of the prayer advance for me. Each lady went out into a field or wherever she wanted on this nice property where it was and just spent and hour with the one else. It was so quiet it was almost as if the Lord was just sitting right there next to me and He and I were talking. It was so amazing. We each got a brochure we worked through to help us expose sins that may be in our lifes...known sins or those sins unknown. It was so refreshing and when I got up after that hour (which if they'd allowed I could've spent the rest of the day there) I felt so light. I felt like so many burdens had been lifted.

I think I'll just have to look that brochure up again (surely I'll find it while I am still trying to organize papers etc) and spend a sweet hour with the Lord.

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