Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Continue to Pray For My Mom

Thanks to all those that have emailed to say they are praying for my mom...please continue to pray for her. I don't know all the medical terminology but her blood is real thick and she has probably - just due to things she describes happening from time to time - has been on the verge of mini-strokes. The dr. said it's probably the baby aspirin she takes that has kept it from happening. They have put her on medicine to help in this matter so pray it will be effective and keep this from happening.

There's just NO ONE like a mom...probably the most silliest thing I call my mom about frequently is cooking, what do I do when this happens? how do I fix this? I don't have this ingred, what can I substitute for that? Mom is a real lifesaver. I am blessed to have 2 wonderful, loving, caring parents who even though we are like 10 hours apart, I still feel so connected to them through the thoughtful things they do.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

AW, praying for her!