Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thought This Was Nice----To Love Their Husbands

To Love Their Husbands...

Take time to listen
Offend not in words or actions

Love at all times
Offer to help with financial planning
Value your time together
Enjoy laughs together

Thank him for being the mate God gave you
Help him through the tough and good times
Encourage him
Invest energy in meeting his needs
Respect his quiet time

Hug him often
Uplift in daily prayer
Share your thoughts with him
Baby him when he is sick
Admire him
Never take him for granted
Dress for him
Speak kindly to and about him

Great reminders as a wife!


Barbara said...

I love your posts, sounds like wise instruction..probably written by a very happily married woman whose husband is truly blessed. I can see there are things I need to work on....thanks for the post.

Pilar said...

Oh this is nice, thanks for sharing!