Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Three Simple Words

Have you told someone "I Love You" today? Your husband? Your children? Your parents? grandparents? One of these days, the last "I LOVE YOU" will be the last and they'll be gone. I sure wish I'd just called my grandpa more often--if for nothing more than just to remind him "I LOVE YOU" but he's gone now.

Hae you ever heard someone complain they were told "I LOVE YOU" too much? NO! If anything, if we're not careful, we'll become consumed with our daily life that we will neglect to say those three simple words -- I LOVE YOU -- and alot of times to those we hold most dearest.

Take the time to tell those most dearest to you "I LOVE YOU" - when you get home, right before you leave, before bedtime, the first thing in the morning and then all the other 'just because' times!

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