Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"Cheerfulness" Article From Grandma's Bible

(I thought this would be a great reminder on this Jan 20th Inauguration Day!! ;-) )
Cheerfulness should be a characteristic of every young person, especially of girls. Think of all we have to make us happy. Our smiles and sunny dispositions make life happier for those around us, too.

Mable Hale has well said, "A girl who is full of smiles and sunshine is a fountain of joy to all who know her." This very thing makes her well liked and popular. Your cheery smile and pleasant good morning may mean the turning point in someone's life. Of course, this cheerfulness must come from the heart. No one likes a sophisticated, artificial grin. The wise man tells us that "A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance." Proverbs 15:13

First, we need to get our hearts fixed so we can sing praise to God. Then it will be easy to smile and be cheerful. Surely we will have clouds to cross our sun and storms will come our way. But it is possible to sing in the rain, you know. They tell us there is a silver lining to every cloud. Why not look for it? Willetts said, "Get into the habit of looking for the silver lining of the cloud...It will help you over many hard places."

We can glorify God by being cheerful. He intends for us to be happy. Sin is the thing that brings sadness and sorrow. By showing a cheerful attitude we prove to the world that God truly makes people happy. Jesus said to His disciples, "Be of good cheer." God's people are a happy people. By our cheerfulness we help to make other people happy.

By our cheerfulness we can help ourselves, too. The habit of looking on the best side of everything is worth great wealth. One has said, "The cheerful live longest in years and afterwards in our regards."

The Bible says, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." And what a pleasant medicine to take! Cheer up; smile; and others will smile with you. The future is bright for those who will live godly in Christ Jesus.

-- end of article

1 comment:

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

I love that little book "Beautiful Girlhood" by Mabel Hale.